Part 3: Stage Thoughts III

Stage Thoughts
- I have no idea what they were going for with the flashing background in the "outside" parts or what they were thinking.
- Was expecting the birds to feature more heavily. Maybe they're "tutorial" enemies here so that you've seen them at least once before they're put into actually hard situations in the endgame?
- All the things they did with ropes are awesome, awesome awesome. I can't stress enough how I adore that they decided that "ropes" is the one redeeming thing from CV:TA, took that ball and ran with it.
- It's a little curious that the rope mechanism that starts moving only when you touch the rope and caught me by surprise only shows up once.
- Didn't comment too much during the video because honestly, it could be a little harder than "not at all", but the room with all the moving and direction changing ropes is super impressive.
- If this were the first game with its incredibly cramped rooms, Punaguchis on moving platforms would be an absolute nightmare. As is, they barely register because the balls have nothing to bounce off of. I'm glad because it'd be a serious pain to lose the whip before the boss.
- Speaking of, it's a severe disappointment because the design is fucking awesome, especially when the two heads/necks exchange rib cages. Super inventive. Too bad that I immediately stumbled on the ideal Chillstopher tactic of "never move, it'll be fine". It's very weird that you don't have to take out both heads because they share a health bar. This makes going up on the platforms not only pointless, but into an objectively bad idea.
Praying Hands [Cloud Castle]
After two songs I wasn't super hot about, this one blew me away, it's really good. Just fits my taste for melody, energy and "things happening" perfectly. Maybe not the best fit for a level that can be a little slow due to the moving parts you sometimes have to wait for, but that doesn't matter too much I think.
Castle [Password]
Just a general trend, though - one thing that's keeping this from being a very enjoyable complete package is the mismatch between stage names, actual obstacles, gimmicks IN the stages, bosses and yes, also music. While very fun to play on a room by room basis, the lack of focus hurts it a little especially in the memorability department (as does the lack of difficulty so far, tbh). Say what you will about the first game, but that was one cavey cave, one castley castle and one Ihateyoufuckoffanddie-y monstrosity.